Friendly Chemistry Online

Grading Policies

Grades for the course are based upon performance on the lesson evaluations.  Each evaluation consists of 10 multiple choice questions.   Satisfactory completion is defined by answering at least 7 of the 10 questions correctly.  Should a student score less than 7 correct answers, he or she will be instructed to re-take the evaluation.  The re-take evaluation will cover the same material but will not be the same test.  Should a student score less than seven correct answers on the re-take evaluation, he or she will be counseled to determine where the problem lies in understanding the content of the lesson.

There are 22 lesson evaluations.  Each evaluation is worth 10 points (one point given per question) for a total of 220 possible points.  The final examination consists of 30 multiple choice questions.  Each final exam question is worth one point for a total of 30 points.  The total possible points which can be earned for the entire course is 250 points.  A letter grade may be calculated by the following:

A grade of A will be awarded for accumulating at least 225 points.

A grade of B will be awarded for accumulating at least 200 points.

A grade of C will be awarded for accumulating at least 175 points.

Should a student score less than 175 points, a grade of U or unsatisfactory will be awarded.

A student may request a point total report at any time during the course.  Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the student will be mailed a certificate stating that he or she has completed the Friendly Chemistry Online course which is the equivalent of a high school chemistry course.

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